S&P Historical Returns

 S&P 500 Historical Returns

Annual Returns With Dividends:

1995 37.20% ⬆
1996 22.68% ⬆
1997 33.10% ⬆
1998 28.34% ⬆
1999 20.89% ⬆
2000 -9.03% 🔻
2001 -11.85% 🔻
2002 -21.97% 🔻
2003 28.36% ⬆
2004 10.74% ⬆
2005 4.83% ⬆
2006 15.61% ⬆
2007 5.48% ⬆
2008 -36.55 🔻
2009 25.94% ⬆
2010 14.82% ⬆
2011 2.10% ⬆
2012 15.89% ⬆
2013 32.15% ⬆
2014 13.52% ⬆
2015 1.38% ⬆
2016 11.77 ⬆
2017 21.61 ⬆
2018 -4.23 🔻
2019 31.21% ⬆
2020 18.02% ⬆
2021 28.47% ⬆
2022 -18.01% 🔻

In the last 28 years there has been:

- 6 Negative Years
- 22 Positive Years

No one said it will be a smooth journey. Markets are volatile!

Taking your emotions out of decision making can be crucial.


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